This is my first post and I'm not quite sure how it's going to turn out. I think this will be a great way to keep family and friends up to date so I'll just start right in. I have not cooked a meal since December. Well, I did make pancakes in an electric dutch oven and used plastic forks as spatulas once. That was tricky; gently sliding the fork underneath all the way around and then carefully flipping it without tearing it or melting my 'spatulas'. So, here it is, the month of May and our 'kitchen' finally had dry wall installed. Thursday we painted the kitchen; an earthy yellow color. I loathe painting. So many people enjoy seeing the fruits of their labor instantly so painting is a rewarding job for them. Don't get me wrong, I like to see progress as much as the next person but since I'm sloppy with the paint I see the fruit of my labor for several days after - on my arms, in my hair, on my glasses. Despite my dread of the paint tray and roller painting this kitchen had to be the most satisfying of all paint jobs because it was the easiest, the floor was hideous so there was no need for drop cloths, Ryan painted the few inches next to the ceiling so all I really had to do was paint large squares of drywall and not be concerned about painting the wrong surface. It was great. I still have yellow elbows and tiny droplets in the crevices of my glasses. Now we have cabinets installed, and the doors and pulls, too! I installed a lot of the pulls on Sunday but screwed up royally. I don't know what I was thinking. I even pulled out the directions on how to do it and looked at the little picture. Instead of putting a block of wood on the inside of the door to 'catch' the drill bit and prevent the wood from chipping I put the block of wood on the outside and drilled all the way through. So the insides are a bit chewed up, but they are the insides. It also helps that Ryan noticed a lot of the doors were not flush when they were closed - very askew. So we are sending back about 10 doors. This is one time I'm glad Mills Pride sucks, their shoddy product means we can start over with the pulls on most of the doors. (And by we I mean Ryan). He was pretty good about leaving me alone after realizing what I did to the cabinets. I think I clued him when I snapped, "Don't make fun of me! Leave me alone!" And sped off down 4th avenue to get home, he was at work while I screwed up, pun intended. Countertops are going to be installed on the 30th! After that we'll just have to install toe kicks and replace the doors that Mills Pride is shipping to us. That's when all of my excuses for the last 6 months must come to an end. Or I make up new ones. Excuses? Excuses for what? Well, eating junk food. It is very difficult to maintain a normal diet with no kitchen, no pots and pans, no dishes, a few utensils and no place to wash up. (And no desire to set up shop in the bathroom or basement). Now when the kitchen is done I will have to eat good foods, and I will have to cook them, and clean the dishes afterwards! Part of me wants to go crazy in what I hope is my last kitcehnless week at McDonald's. Ice cream, burgers and fries, oh my! Once this damn kitchen is done I'm going to have to become a domestic diva. Cooking, baking and cleaning to my hearts content. If I was nutty about having a clean kitchen before I had a new kitchen I can only imagine what kind of freak I'm going to be as soon as I get my kitchen back.