I can't sleep. I tried for 15 whole minutes to fall asleep. That didn't work so well. This evenings activities have not been conducive to aiding a restful night. I went for a walk/jog after work for 4 dc Talk songs, so 20 minutes. I took Kea and she actually slowed me down a little. She probably hasn't recovered from her weekend at Camp Monten (my in-laws house out in the sticks - they are very beautiful sticks over looking Hood Canal). I then read part of chapter 5 of Knowing God by JI Packer. I'm woefully behind in my readings and my bible study is going to be discussing the book on Thursday! Reading about the Trinity and other hangups people have about the Christian faith is not something that is going to lull me to sleep. So, I watched a great heathen show, Rockstar: Supernova. Talk about a contrast in thought and action. I started out my evening reading about salvation and redemption and the Word-word play on words that John has in the beginning of his epistle to watching Tommy Lee and Dave Navarro critique aspiring rockstars and bopping my head to a song about someone getting a new .45 and Sanchez had better watch out or, more appropriately listening to "Losing my Religion". Now I have all of this great music in my head, not all of you in my reading audience (Mom) would agree that the music in my head is great but it's there nonetheless and I have beside me, waiting to be read, Knowing God.
While I was reading the thoughts of one Mr. Packer the phone rang. It was a survey and would I like to participate? Me? Give my 2 cents worth? (By the way, I don't like that keyboards don't have the cent sign anymore. $.02 just doesn't do it for me). The survey man asked me a pop culture question. Bingo, I got it right. He then asked me another pop culture question. Again, I did not fail in my knowledge of trivial material. It was the third question that he asked that gave me a sinking feeling. It was a political question!!! I was taking part in a how-dumb-are-Americans? survey!!! It was an easy one though. What are the three branches of the US government. I think the survey guy was surprised when I answered correctly. Two more pop questions. I was getting embarrassed that the pop questions were so easy and I know more than one of my girlfriends would have bombed the pop questions. I missed one pop question (who was the American Idol winner in '06 - and I watched the show. I was happy that I honestly forgot who won). I missed two or three political questions - I didn't' know who was sworn in recently on the Supreme Court and I can't remember the other question I got wrong.
At the end of the survey I said I was embarrassed to have missed the questions that I did and the survey guy told me I actually did better than most people, I told him I was afraid of that.
Hmmm, sitting here and pouring my once racing thoughts into this blog had helped put me to sleep - hopefully you aren't nodding off.