Monday, December 22, 2008

Even More Pictures

Don't be alarmed but there are more pictures I want to post. It's must concern some of you since in the past I've been berated for not posting more pictures. The difference is the equipment I'm using now. Now I post using Ryan's computer because I can just pop the memory stick into the laptop... that and I finally figured out how to add more than one photo at a time thereby saving a lot of time....

One hot snow w-o-m-a-n! Or is it one 'cool' snow woman?

The grounds of a local hall.

O Tannenbaum! O Tannenbaum! Du gruenst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit, nein auch im Winter wenn es Schneit.
(Translation: O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! You are green not only in summer, no, also in winter when it snows).
(don't correct my German - this is how I remember it from German I learned in
High School, many, many years ago).

Looking down the sidewalk on my homeward approach.

A view of the wading pool I took Gavin to this summer.

Same wading pool, different angle.

White snow, red berries, green leaves. How could I not take a picture?

Car stuck in snow drift in middle of the street.
One reason I don't drive in the snow.

Car burning rubber trying to leave parking space. Car continued burning rubber as it tried to drive down the street. Another reason I don't drive in the snow (burning rubber plus people like me taking a picture of embarrassing moment and the crowd of gawkers making sure you don't hit a parked car and run).

A Few More Pictures

This is a shot of our alley that Ryan took. It reminds me of our mini vacation in Whistler, B.C. we took a few years with a group of friends.

A view from the front door around 7:30 this morning. Isn't it so pretty? The dog containment system (a.k.a. fence) is just lovely all covered in snow.

Our back yard - big by city standards; microscopic as compared to the yards Ryan and I grew up with.

Another shot of the back yard. It's hard to believe this snow covered yard was a 15'+ crater from October '07 to Spring '08. I measured 9" of snow in the back yard a few minutes ago. Christmas in Belfair (where they have 15" - 18" of snow) seems less and less likely.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow and Gavin Pics

My handsome boys.

Partial view of the front yard from the living room.

Bundled back up after his doctor appointment and ready for the long walk back home.

Doggy Claus. She was so good to sit still for this photo.

A snowcat we saw on our way back from Gavin's doctor appointment.

Gavin's favorite book this week: "Go, Dog. Go!" We read it over and over and over and ...

He's just so darn cute!
Playing with his CAT from Great Aunt Paulette

Loves from the doggy.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Little House on the Prairie


We are still snowed in up here in our little neighborhood in Seattle. Some cars braved the icy roads up here but they almost all had chains - and the buses were running - at least they were running better than they were yesterday (exception: With the snow in a city like Seattle where we get very little snow and have so many hills everyone takes a snow day.

Yesterday I went for a walk to a children's consignment shop in the late afternoon to buy Gavin some mittens. I could not believe how many people were out and about. Most people that were going my direction we returning from the grocery store and I bet everyone walking the other direction were going to the store. Even the local bar was packed with people - I never see anyone in that joint. It felt a little Norman Rockwell-ish to have see so many people walking about in the snow.

Unfortunately Gavin has been sick. He went to see his doctor last week but he got better then worse then better until last night his ears were full of gunk. This morning I called his doctor and she suggested that he be seen but she couldn't get to her office and we certainly couldn't drive to her office in West Seattle so I called a local clinic to schedule an appointment because we couldn't risk Gavin getting worse over the weekend - it would be at least an hours walk the to the ER. After being on hold for 20 minutes because the clinic was understaffed Gavin had an appointment with a pediatrician. The receptionist tried to give us an appointment time only a half hour away so I had to ask for something a little later to give us time to get there.

It took about 10 minutes just to get Gavin ready for our long walk to the doctor. He was layered in pajamas, a sweatshirt, a pair of pants, shoes, a coat, mittens and a hat. Then we had to squeeze him into his stroller and wrap him up with a blanket. Then we were off stomping through the snow and sliding on the icy sidewalks for twenty-five minutes until we reached the clinic. I felt a bit like Laura Ingalls-Wilder from Little House on the Prairie, bundling up my family to take my sick child to the doctor.

The doctor said Gavin ruptured both eardrums but as a result he was no longer in pain which would explain why he slept better last night. Don't you worry about the little G, though. The doc said 98% of these cases heal normally in about a month and to prevent further infection until he is healed he is getting a 10 day treatment of oral antibiotics and a 7 day treatment of antibiotic ear drops.


Last night some friends braved the snow and ice to come to our house for games and dessert. We are so much fun they risked life and limb to spend a few hours with us. OR they are originally from Montana and driving in the snow is old hat for them. I think it is the latter. Although, I do think we are a hoot.

The snow started up again last night and hasn't let up since. I measured the snow late last night. We had 3 inches of new snow last night and a total accumulation of 7.75" that I measured on top of the car. I am not hopeful that we will be able to leave for Christmas to spend with Ryan's family. Ryan's dad & step-mom are still coming over from Wenatchee but they have a vehicle that can handle the snow and they are accustomed to driving in it.

As beautiful as this snow is I wish it would melt already! I do not like being forced to stay at home. If we lived in our house in West Seattle still I would have gone completely bonkers by now as there is very little within walking distance to that house other than the Delridge mini mart, Uptown Espresso and Subway. In our current neighborhood we have a grocery store, a medical clinic with a pharmacy, two coffee joints, a mail center, 2 Mexican restaurants, a Filipino restaurant, a bar, a children's consignment shop, a very small clothing store, two tailors, a dry cleaners, 2 Mexican miscellaneous stores (I've only been inside one when I was on the prowl for a pinata - no dice - but the Italian bakery down the hill had a ton to choose from)... oh, and we have two gas stations but those aren't doing us any good since we aren't driving. I guess I'm mostly upset because I can't visit my friends. I've had to miss 2 bible studies and a PEPS (my mom's group) because of the blasted snow and I STILL haven't met little baby Rylan. Katie (Rylan's mom) met Gavin hours after he was born and now I have to wait weeks to meet Rylan! Not fair.

Stupid snow.

Hmpf. I suppose I should just enjoy the snow since I can't do anything about it. Ryan has tried doing something about it a couple of times by shoveling the stairs and walk way. Each time he does the snow starts back up with in an hour or two and all of his hard work is covered up by snow again. I think it is hilarious but Ryan doesn't see the humor in it like I do.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Great Blizzard of '08

A few pictures for your viewing pleasure....

Gavin telling us he was not into the layers (2 sets of pajamas, pants, and coat) and the 10x too big shoes (the 2 sets of jammies made his regular shoes a tight squeeze).

I snagged a couple of passersby walking their dog to take our picture.

Snowman in the triangle park.

**** after closer inspection of this photo it has been deleted for questionable stick placement. Apparently the creator of the snowman (teenager or really immature man) paid homage to the 'man' portion of the snowman. ****

Our little house looking kind of cute with all of the snow. The exterior of our house is my least favorite part of the house so any help it gets I like.

Christmas Freak Out Update

Last month I was freaking out about cooking a holiday meal for the family. I blathered on about linens and pies and sides and the bird. A couple of people have asked me if I've made any decisions about the dinner and if I'm still freaking out.

Decisions? Eh, I suppose I've made some decisions. First decision, napkins. I bought some new cloth napkins at Ikea. I washed them and now they are sitting in a pile waiting to be ironed. Lesson: buy paper napkins, they don't need to be ironed.

My second decision was to make a table cloth because I couldn't find one I liked at BB&B or Target. My conclusion about making a table cloth? Lame. Why? Sure, all I have to do is the hem the edges but still, it is one more thing to do.

I think that is as far as I went with the decisions unless you count deciding to stop freaking out a decision. Well, I quit freaking out about food but I'm still gearing up to be completely rattled by Monday about the guest quarters. The basement is going to need to be thoroughly vacuumed as the cats have shed copious amounts of fur all over the carpet and furniture. On top of all of the cat fur is all of the stuff from the office that is spilling out into the living area since Ryan has been cleaning out that space and all of the Christmas bins which are stored in the office are of course piled high in the living area. I can't clean until the floor is clear. OK. Forget Monday; I'm worked up now.

I had a dream earlier this evening that is related to my dirty basement. My very pregnant friend Heather stopped by my house so we could carpool to visit our other friend Katie who just had a baby. Heather who was due on Monday, was at my house when her water broke. It wouldn't have been a big deal but the roads were icy so she had to stay at my house to deliver her baby. I wasn't freaking about delivering a baby but I was freaking about not having vacuumed the area because Heather is allergic to cats.

Work has been kind of slow for Ryan so he should have some time to clean the office and living area downstairs next week. Then when he is done with his version of cleaning I can start with mine. Ryan and I complement each other very nicely when we do decide to clean. He takes care of the piles of stuff and I do the actual cleaning - vacuuming, dusting, washing.

One last note about the Christmas Freak Out. When I wrote about it in November I wrote how in my 30 years on this earth I've never hosted a holiday meal. No one caught it - this is my 31st year on planet earth and it is the tail end of said year. But why would anyone argue with me? If anyone knows my age it should be me.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Falling Up

My first experience with snow was a pretty lame one; we lived on the southern Oregon coast and it didn't really ever snow there. One year it got cold enough for a few minutes to turn the lightly falling rain into snow. We (a number of aunts, uncles and cousins) were all at my grandma and grandpa's house when the snow started. I don't remember if I was excited or not but I do remember the older cousins being excited. We bundled up and and walked to the nearby elementary school to play on their playground. By time we walked the short distance to the school the accumulation was at its peak - some where right around nil. The best place to see the snow was on the black mat that the swing set was mounted on. You could see a bit of white stuff on top of it. There wasn't enough to even make a snowball. Like I said, it was lame.

Five or so years later is when I really got to experience snow. My family moved to Vancouver (in Washington, the state - a subject for another post: Why do people who live east of Idaho call Washington DC plain old Washington but tack on 'state' for Washington as in Washington State - why not call the state of Washington just 'Washington', tack on DC for Washington DC. We don't say New Jersey State, or North Dakota State or Rhode Island State).

Back to the snow...

It could get quite cold in Vancouver in the winter. My first winter there was bitterly cold; the transition from the mild climate of the coast to Vancouver with its harsh east wind that sucked all of the moisture out of the air was quite a shock to my system; my hands would get so dry they would crack and bleed. I seem to remember school being closed on one or two occasions because it was so cold, I think they didn't want kids standing outside waiting for the bus. The snow when it was that cold was no good, dry flaky stuff that wouldn't stick together. Fortunately we didn't get much snow like that. We usually had one or two good snowfalls a year, and by good I mean a few inches to blanket everything.

Those snowfalls were, at the expense of sounding corny, magical. If the snow started in the late afternoon or evening I would constantly peer out the window to gauge how much was falling, how much was sticking and if it added up to a lot falling + a lot sticking I would hope and pray that school would be cancelled the next day. Sometimes when it was obvious there would be no school the next day Mom and Dad would let us go outside to play in the new fallen snow. The memories of playing in the snow in the still of the night are some of my most treasured.

As the snow fell from the dark sky it created a white ethereal playground. My neighborhood was transformed into a beautiful dream scape as gray streets disappeared under a fluffy blanket of snow, houses turned into gingerbread houses with frosted roofs and puffing chimneys and my favorite - the evergreen tree boughs hung low, draped with snow.

Everything is quieter in the snow. Cars aren't zipping up and down and what sound is being created is dampened by the blanket of snow. All you could hear was our feet crunching in the snow and our whispers to each other - yelling would have to wait for daylight. Mom always had a big pot of hot cocoa on the stove for us when we came inside to thaw.

As the years went on I still loved the snow. On snow days I babysat the neighbor girl, Rachel Pulver (who is now 25 or 26). Her house was a cool ranch house, it looked small from the outside but it was deceptively large. My favorite part about her house were the floor to ceiling windows. I would lay on my back on the floor near a heat vent and stare at the sky, watching the snow fall up.

Of course as I got older snow days became my little romantic escapes. I always day dreamed of the cute boy I had a crush on that week taking me on a walk through the snow and kissing me. Alas, that never happened. I suppose I could beg Ryan take me on a walk when it snows but somehow I don't think carrying Gavin and wrestling with the dog would be all that romantic. Fun, yes. Romantic, no. Some dreams born in the eigth grade just never die.

Two or three inches of snow fell on Saturday night. My first thought was, "I hope it doesn't stick." I was really looking forward to going to church but the snow put the kibosh on those plans. My second thought was, "I hope our pipes don't freeze." My third thought was, "I hope the homeless don't freeze." Somewhere after 5 but before 10 thoughts was, "Ooh, it's so pretty."

Since Gavin had a cold we didn't take him out in the snow - we've been laying low. We took him out in the snow last year, bundled up in his car seat. Since he wasn't really aware of his own hands it wasn't that exciting for him, or for us. The year before that was the last year I recall getting excited about the snow. I was excited for one reason: Snow Day.

I lived on a hill and worked on a hill and between work and home was a very large valley. There was no way to get to work without going down some nasty hills - heck, some of these hills are problematic when it is just raining. I got a couple of days off work because my street was a sheet of ice. I loved every icy minute that I had off work.

More snow is coming which in years past would have put me over the moon at the mere thought of having a true white Christmas I must face the fact that while I am young (although according to my nephew Matthew I'm old), almost 32, I'm not as young as I once was - I want a safe green Christmas. The days of giddiness over snow are over. I just hope that I will be able to share in Gavin's joy when he is older and is doing the please-let-school-be-cancelled-dance as he listens to the radio DJ's rattling off the list of school closures.

Friday, December 05, 2008