Friday, March 09, 2007


This is going to be a quick post. I wanted to put it up while I was most concerned with it - at work but that wouldn't be right, now would it?
But it's not right to have the picture on my computer desk top set to be such a distraction, either.
Bob is such a distraction when I'm at work. I can't stop looking! She is so darn cute! I know I should change my desktop but how can I? I sit there at my desk and take a peek. I know I shouldn't look because I get stuck staring at her.
For those of you who have been to my house you think I'm lying about having two cats because you only ever see Gwen, the fat white cat. Bob takes off at the first sound of footsteps coming up the stairs from the sidewalk. Poor kitty, she's deathly afraid of everyone but me and Ryan. It's only been in the last year that she lets us hold her - and she does so grudgingly. Last night I picked Bob up off our bed and brought her with me into the living room and sat down on the floor where Ryan and I were playing Blokus. I was expecting Bob to jump out of my lap the second I sat down but she stayed for several minutes! It was a breakthrough! It may not sound like much but we've had Gwen and Bob (they are sisters) a month after we got married - it's taken 4 1/2 years and Bob finally sat on my lap after I picked her up and put her there. (I think she may have walked across my lap a few times; it was not out of affection, I was just in her path).

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Ryan took me up skiing last weekend. We left at 9:00 am and were back by 2:00 and that included a stop for lunch in North Bend.

The lines to get the skis were outrageously long and once you got your equipment there was no place to sit down to put on the boots. I put my boots on and walked over to Ryan to see if he was coming with me to get the skis. He looked at my feet and said, "You're not supposed to put your boots on before you get your skis." Grr. I scoped out a place to plant it so I could take the boots off and put my shoes back on so I could stand in line for skis.

I asked the kid behind the counter - who was probably born when I was in High School to give me the slowest skis possible. Ryan on the other hand asked for freshly waxed skis - another kid, fresh out of diapers, I'm sure, went and waxed them for Ryan. That was sweet of him.

The chair lift is much easier on skis than on a snowboard. I didn't use Ryan as a crutch like I used my friend Nichole last time when I knocked her down in my attempt to stay upright. A group of four kids snowboarding on the chair behind us all fell - like dominoes. It was pretty amusing to watch.

All around me were little tykes on skis, left, right, snow plow. They were so CUTE!!! They could ski in circles around me. Ryan taught me how to turn left. Piece of cake. Ryan taught me how to turn right. No can do. I can't turn right! I'm like the Zoolander of skiing! Ryan says it's because I'm right footed that I can't place my weight on my left side like I need to turn right. At one point I finally turned right but I was going to fast and couldn't stop and I ended up falling. One ski came out of the binding and the other stuck in the snow and I tweaked my knee as my body wanted to keep tumbling but my ski was stuck in the snow. My valiant husband came over and untangled me and let me rest a moment. Since I didn't feel anything tear or pop I got back up and went back at it. This time I made it all the way down the hill. That was good for one day.

It would be nice if we could make it up one more time before the season is over. If not to ski at least to go sledding.