It's 6:14 and my thoughts have not turned towards bedtime yet. Wow. This is the time I start to think about going to bed. 7:00 is when I start to get ready and 9:00 is lights out.
It probably helps that my mother-in-law was here today and I got to go back to bed for 2 hours after eating breakfast that she had made for everyone. The in-laws who went straight from our house the Sunday after Gavin was born to Arizona just arrived back in town last night and they came straight from the airport to our house and started working again! Craziness.
Ryan goes back to work tomorrow. Officially back to work. Because Gavin arrived even earlier than anticipated Ryan had to work almost a full work week his first week off (from the dining room table) and make many trips to the office and field office. The second week was a little better and I think this upcoming week his work load will have finally died down - just in time for Gavin's due date.
Gavin is getting some chubby cheeks; at his two week mark he has gained back all of his birth weight plus a half a pound so as of Thursday he was at 8 pounds 1 ounce. : ) Yea for fat babies! I hear they sleep better. Two more pounds to go to see if 10 pounds is the magical weight that will allow his tummy to stay full longer and allow his mommy to sleep longer.
p.s. I am wearing pre-maternity clothes! The jeans are the biggest size I have but still - they aren't maternity! My regular jeans zip up but it's just not very attractive right now.
That is all I have the time and energy to write about for now. I'm glad the first two week are over. It has been quite an emotional roller coaster being new parents, sleep deprived and hormonally imbalanced. Since I don't want to jinx anything (I'm really not superstitious) I'm not going to write that it feels like life is returning to 'normal'.
Hooray!!!! For Mamma who hasn't gained much weight during pregnancy! Way to go girl with those pre-pregnancy clothes!
Hooray!!! For a healthy and chubby baby. Sleep will get better for sure! It is very true when babies gain a bit of weight they sleep better.
Glad to see this update. Hope that things continue to return to normal. What is a good time to call you for completely selfish reasons? Or are you able to respond to emails? Perhaps by the time you read this Nicole has already called/emailed for completely selfish reasons.
Anytime between 1030am & 9pm is a good time to call. I respond to e-mail but it is a slow process. Look forward to talking w/ Nicole!
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