Sunday, September 12, 2010

Search Party, Deja Vu or It Escaped!!!

Today was nearly perfect.  After a night of so-so sleep Ryan took the boys this morning and I slept another hour or so.  Amazingly, I woke up in time to go to church.  Unfortunately for Ryan it was the second Sunday service where the congregation moves their chairs around a bit and we have group discussions.  I really like these Sundays because people are, for the most part, pretty honest.  We talked about God's protection today and I fessed up that I have a hard time trusting Him to keep my family safe.  That led to more discussion in the van on the way home but I won't go there - not  here.  Not today at least.  It's not one of those posts.

After church we went to Costco to look at an area rug for the living room to replace the one Theo pooped all over.  Yep.  Poop.  Everywhere.  Nothing that we could clean up and feel clean about ever using it again.  The garbage men picked it up the other day.  It felt like such a waste of a perfectly good, cheap, stained, dirty area rug from Ikea that served its purpose well.  Finding a replacement is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated mostly because the main criterion is that it be cheap.  I don't think our days of little people oozing poop all over the place are over.

We left Costco - no dogs, no pizza, no soda, no gelato and no chocolate ice cream frozen yogurt with strawberries and went home for lunch.  Ryan is so darn good.  He offered to stop but I thought I should pass.  Of course I had a frozen yogurt later in the day and a ton of Pepsi (had to drink it before it went flat) and way too many snickerdoodles.  Not good.  Tomorrow I start another two week stint of no sugar.  It's not going to be easy. 

After lunch Mr. T went down for a nap and the G had some quiet time in his crib playing with Legos.  I ate said snickerdoodles, washed down with Pepsi, watched Project Runway (glad to see Michael C. get some love finally) then swept and mopped the kitchen, dining and living rooms. 

Since Theo woke up a bit on the early side I hustled the boys off to Ikea so I could look for another area rug and a childproof safety gate that Gavin can't open. 

He can open both of Ikea's kiddie gates.  A woman walking by got a kick out of what she saw, "Gavin, come here please.  Try to open this gate, please."  "OK.  Settles that.  No Ikea gates." 

I bought two rugs - Ryan can choose chocolate brown or red like the dining room walls.  So far he likes neither.  I bet he would like them if he saw the other ones with swirly designs on them that I liked but didn't buy because I knew he would despise them.  I also picked out the faucets for the bathroom sink.  Ryan doesn't like them but he picked out the vanity and sink so I think I'll take this one (and the color and the tile choices, too).  But I'm the woman, I get more say in decoration decisions, right?  He is still the luckiest guy on the planet because I don't force pink and floral on him.  Luckiest I tell you.  

Of course, I'm pretty lucky to have him, too.  He let me paint the living room chocolate brown and dining room a deep red.  It looks fantastic but he had to have some faith. 

So....  Ikea.  Gavin got to play with toys, he got some frozen yogurt, Theo got some Swedish meatballs.  It was a good trip. 

After Ikea we went to the playground.  Fun was had by all.  Most of it was on Gavin's end but we all had a good time enjoying one of the last gorgeous days of summer.  This weekend has been unbelievable.  Sun and blue skies dotted with white clouds.  Perfection.

Dinner for the boys was cottage cheese and fruit.  Yep.  I'm that kind of mother.  It was late and cooking would delay bedtime.  We couldn't have that. 

Oh my gosh.  I am just dragging this out, aren't I?!  So a lot more happened that involved cleaning then...

I walked into the downstairs bathroom and if you read the previous post you know where this is going... I saw another big fat spider! 


It was like freakin' deja vu, man!  For a brief second I thought it was the spider from yesterday but that's not possible.  Really.  There is no escaping from the central vac canister.  Then I thought it was part of a search party looking for the spider I vacuumed yesterday. 

This time I put the camera on a different setting and snapped a picture and one with the hose as I was about to suck the spider up into the vacuum hose.  This time I did do the creepy crawly gross spider dance.  I think it was because I had one hand on the camera and was much closer to the spider so I could attempt to snap a photo of the vacuuming action. 

Just had a post spider vacuuming shiver.

And another. 

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

Oh, and this was the spider from yesterday (don't ask me why it loaded today but wouldn't last night).

A close up.

And just so you know how big it was, another picture - this one is a bit blurry but it will have to do.

Feel free to do your own creepy crawly dance now.

1 comment:

Swell said...

Yikes!!! Didn't know spiders could get that big in the NW! I've never seen one like that in Vanc before!

We have his cousins over here. Huge, hairy spiders...but I won't stay more about hose.

Also have smaller, black, "jumping" spiders that jump in random directions and make it really heard to catch! But kind of fun to try to predict where it's going to go next.

Hope no more spider visitors for you...