Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Before I completely forget it ever happened I have to share a few funny stories revolving around water and the boys.

Theo loves to play in the animals water dish.  We have a water table in the back yard that he loves to play in.  He just stands there and splashes and splashes to his hearts content for what feels like an eternity.  Or at least 15 minutes.  Until he spies a juicy blade of grass to eat or a dandelion to eat or dirt to eat. 

Gavin likes sticking his hands in the water table then slurping the water off his hands.  Yuck.  I really have to stay on top of cleaning the table since it gets dirty super fast, what with all the bugs using it as a drinking hole.

The indoor water table (animals water bowl) is the main reason we had to put a baby gate back up across the kitchen since that is the home of the water dish.  Every now and again I forget to close the gate and as soon as Theo realizes his unfettered access to the water his eyes light up and he runs - it's a straight legged run so it's hilarious, to the water dish.  Sometimes you can hear him squealing in anticipation of playing with the water and hope that he gets there before I swoop in and grab him.

Yesterday I caught him playing in the water and instead of grabbing him I went for the camera.  I got some great photos and video of him playing in the water.  Then as I'm recording him playing he leans over and starts to slurp the water out of the bowl! 


Each time I pulled him up away from the water he leaned back over to try and get more. 

A few days before that Gavin had his own play time with the water dish. 

Gavin has found a fun new thing to do.  He fills his cup with water at the fridge.  It's great fun to stick your cup to the fridge door and press a button and have water and ice pour out.  He's pretty good at not over filling, too.

He takes a couple of drinks and says, "Mmm. Das delicious," then pours the rest of the cup into the animals water bowl and goes back to the fridge to refill saying, "need fresh walla."

So he's doing his drink 2 sips, pour and refill routine the other day when I turn to watch him in action.

I turned after I heard him say, "get fresh walla" and saw him pulling his cup up from the water dish.  It was full of water.  Murky water with bits of dog food and grass and dirt from the dogs mouth (the animals get fresh water but sometimes it gets yucky if the dog has just been playing outside or drinks right after eating her kibbles).




And really, really, really funny. 

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