Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Strawberry Shortcake

This picture was taken at my Grandparents house in Coos Bay, Oregon. This is the same fireplace where a log rolled out and caught my little brother's diaper on fire. I vaguely remember adults swarming him and putting out the fire. He wasn't hurt. The same fireplace where we roasted hot dogs - Grandpa preferred his uncooked and cold. *gross*

Circa 1981

The dress I'm wearing was my favorite dress. Really, look at it. What's not to like? Cute collar, apron and the best of all? The Strawberry on the apron. I think it was a Strawberry Shortcake dress.

My dad helped my mom with the laundry one day and somehow this dress was ruined - maybe it got bleached?

I was devastated. I put on the ruined dress and went to Don and Betty's house across the street to show my displeasure. Betty answered the door and I blurted out, "Look what my Daddy did to my dress!"

That's all I remember. This picture, that dress, my neighbor Betty.

I smile every time I look at this picture. Ike, a mini version of our dad, Joel a cute toddler with his belly hanging out and me, so happy and unaware that this dress was about to be destroyed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, I just mentioned the diaper incident with my colleagues at lunch today. Thanks for sharing, keep'em coming.