Friday, May 08, 2009

Video of Plant Thief (aka Rat Bastard)

Here is a link to the video of the cretin who is stealing freshly planted trees and shrubs in my neighborhood. It's on YouTube and I just sent it out to the neighborhood lisCheck Spellingtserv. I tried uploading the video directly but a) I can't find the edited video that Ryan made and b) it was taking forever to upload the video in segments and c) a link is so much easier when I'm ready to go to bed.


Swell said...

That's so good that you caught him on tape! I watched part of it at work, I'll watch the rest when I get a chance to. Hope he gets caught soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that makes me so angry! The nerve! Can you set-up your camera to shoot like pepper spray or something on mean people?


Matt and Crina said...

To bad you cannot see his face to turn him in. Can the police do anything with this?

Why steal plants??? Doesn't he have anything else to do during the night? I guess I don't undertand the great value in a plant, if you rob somthing, make it worth robbing, like a diamond tennis bracelet, or a loaded BMW.... Plants???? That makes no sense what so ever!

apriljahns said...

Two neighbors recognized him and knows where he lives. I walked by his house (a whole block away from mine) and his yard has thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of trees, shrubs and ornamental flowers. We are just waiting for the police officer to get back to us our next step.

Swell said...

YOU FOUND HIM!?! That's crazy! So glad - hope you get your plants back! Keep us posted!