Tuesday, July 07, 2009


As I was browsing through pictures to post I realized I'm going to have work hard to take just as many pictures of #2 as I do of Gavin. I think all second time parents say that.

Total time spent in wading pool: less than 10 minutes. Total time spent to get ready for pool & driving there: about 60 minutes.

OK, not a picture of Gavin but Ryan's cute, too.

If only you could hear him saying, "dow, dow, dow" as he descends.

Check out the little man's outfit. Hawaiian top and blue doggy pj bottoms. (I threw on the bottoms for his nap and Ryan scooped him up when he got home and took him outside).

A better view of the fashion nightmare I'm creating.


It took 3 trips to local wading pools in one week before he felt comfortable walking in the ankle high water.

The mirror isn't that dirty (just a little) - it is old.

This is Gavin's favorite post bath activity - to see the naked baby in the mirror with his hooded towel on.

He tried playing on his tummy - there are some great tushy shots but I don't think Ryan would approve of me posting them.

Sleepsack still on, wandering around with a 'ba'


No, he doesn't have a measles; he's just enjoying some strawberries from the garden.

Ryan reads to Gavin before he puts him down at night. It totally screwed up my routine (diaper, jammies, teeth, let him turn on cd, point at sheep on wall and say "baa", say prayer and sing the doxology - DONE). Now I have to read at least three books or else hear "boo! boo! book-uh! book-uh!"


I think he was actually smiling for the camera.

He brought me his shoes so I started dressing him. He got up and ran off once his shoes were on.

Doggy & 'B' - two must haves for sleeping.

Waiting for our turn to see the vet (subsequent visits to the vet were not photo worthy - lots of screaming as he tried to get into cupboards with syringes and biohazardous waste).

His favorite hat. He'll bring it to me now for help putting it on.

"What's the big idea?"

He was shrieking with laughter as he climbed back and forth in this tube.

Just after he gave the "all done" hand sign. He likes the swing but only for a few minutes.

Feeding himself like a big boy.

Yep, I posted this one twice. It's just TOO cute!


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE those pictures! Miss him already!!! To cute!!! I think your little man will be just like Gavin! Way to cute!!!


Anna-Lisa said...

Really adorable. Loved looking at all your pictures. :)