Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Poopy Day

This morning I went to find my friends baby carrier that she lent me when Theo was a baby.  I couldn't find it.  Frick!  I searched the whole house - every room, every closet.  Where on earth could it have gone? 

My friend really needed the carrier back since she has a newborn so I had no choice but to go buy a new one.  I went to Birth and Beyond on Madison only to find that not only do they not carry the print my friend had but that the manufacturer no longer carried the print so I couldn't even order it for her.  But I found out how much a replacement would cost:  $90. 


I was at a bakery buying said friend cinnamon rolls - they are kind of her "thing" in the post partum period and since I promised homemade cinnamon rolls back when I thought having two kids would somehow get easier when the second one was mobile I figured the least I can do is buy some for her every now and then.  Anyhoo, while I was paying for the cinnamon rolls Jessica called me to tell me she found the baby carrier. 

I zipped home, got the carrier and delivered it to the friend.  Whew. 

While I was at her house I told her to throw out the dressing for the salad that I brought over the previous night.  I was eating the same salad I gave her family with the same dressing I made the day before when something stabbed me in the roof of my mouth.  Ingredients of salad:  chickpeas, onion, cucumber, tomatoes and the secret ingredient?  Glass!

Yep. I got a shard of glass stuck in the roof of my mouth.  It took a while to figure out what it was because as I tried get it out it kept breaking as my tongue fumbled around in my mouth.  I, of course, spit out everything I had in my mouth but I couldn't find anything.  At that point the glass was too small to see and I didn't know what angle it was at so I didn't feel comfortable trying to fish it out so I went and bought a milkshake.

All ailments lead to milkshakes.

No, really.  My reasoning is pretty sound.  The cold to help any swelling and the suction to help draw out the glass.  And, I was hungry because my dinner was cut short by a piece of glass in my mouth. 

As I ate the shake I kept checking the glass very carefully with my tongue.  I believed I found the angle the glass went in based on the sharp thing poking me when I felt around for it.  Suddenly I felt a really big piece at the top of my mouth.  I gently ran my thumb over it and pulled out a piece of glass at least 1/2 inch long. 

I felt much better after that.  My mouth no longer hurt and I didn't have to decide, call the dentist after hours and will insurance cover that or go to the ER?  And if I had to go to the ER and it was busy should I lie about how long ago it happened because I would be afraid of waiting for 6 hours to be treated. 

The glass came from our Pyrex food storage containers.  This also confirmed that when a couple of months ago Ryan had a piece of glass in his food that it was from our Pyrex.  We looked at the bowl he heated up his frozen pre-packaged soup in but couldn't see any fractures or rough edges. 

I have since thrown away all of our Pyrex food storage containers. 

What are we supposed to use?  Glass bowls and ingest glass shards or plastic and expose us to carcinogens?  I think I'm going with carcinogens - we'll just wash them on the top rack only and won't heat food in them.  Now I get to go buy new food storage containers.  Time to do some research. 

None of the above have to do with poopy day.

The day was actually pretty good.  The boys and I spent the afternoon with a friend in West Seattle.  We played in her backyard.  Gavin ate all of her Pirate's Booty and her daughter tried to eat all of Theo's sweet potato puffs.  Theo tried to eat the wood chips.  Boy, did he get mad when I took them away. 

We decided to go for a walk to a fruit stand.  I grabbed Gavin from the jungle gym.  I smelled something unpleasant. 

"Are you poopy?" 

Gavin was silent.

I set him down to check his britches and caught a glimpse of my arm - covered in poop. 

By covered I mean about the size of a quarter but any amount of poop on one's arm is enough to count as covered.

It went up Gavin's back.  There was no way a wipe was going to take care of this mess.  Not that I had wipes, or diapers or clean clothes with me. 

I packed diapers and wipes - or rather I set them aside to take with me but they never made it into the diaper bag.  Bummer.  I did, however, bring swim diapers. 

The friend offered up her bathroom.   I'll spare you the gory details but the clean up required several steps.   A diaper in the G's size was offered and a t-shirt from my friend.  It went down past his knees so it was pretty cute taking him out on a walk wearing nothin' but a huge t-shirt and sandals.  Gavin asked for pants.  Poor kiddo.  No pants.

Ryan took Gavin to Kids Club at the gym since he loooves it now.  I stayed home with Theo while he finished his much needed nap in his car seat in his bedroom.  Man, he is heavy!  Removing him, plus his car seat, from the van kills.  Baby + car seat is at least 45 pounds.  Oy. 

When he woke up I enjoyed just spending time with him; admiring all of his cuteness.  He enjoyed me admiring his cuteness.  I kissed and hugged him saying, "You are SO cute!"  He responded by giving a big toothy smile which just amplified the cute factor.  Man, that kid is ADORABLE!!! 

At bedtime Ryan was sitting in the glider with Theo on his lap. 

"Ah, man!  Theo!"

Poop.  Oh, the poop. 

Ryan's lap was covered in it. 

And by covered I mean covered.  c-o-v-e-r-e-d. 

We had to do a pre-cleanup before Theo could even be removed from his lap.  Then I had to whisk him off to the tub.  Then we had another pre-cleanup.  But before I could finish the pre-cleanup Theo plopped his little butt down on the bath mat.

One more thing to clean. 

Hence it was a poopy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that sounds painful! I don't like even a plain old poopy diaper. Sheesh!
