Friday, December 03, 2010

Cria Cuteness

Did you know a baby alpaca is called a cria?  I didn't know either until we googled it on our way to a farm in Mason County to see two new babies.  My MIL's neighbor and great friend is on the board of trustees of some farm that .... shoot.  He told me what they do.  Something to do with salmon so I wasn't quite sure what the alpacas and goats at the farm had to do with salmon.  I didn't ask how they are connected. 

So I have some pictures of baby alpacas.  And from Thanksgiving, our tree cutting, gingerbread house decorating...  In no particular order.


The spearmint hard candies have been fashioned into a van.  Gavin wasn't as interested in decorating the house as he was in making vans with which to decorate the side yard of the gingerbread house.  It's our hicksville gingerbread house.  We didn't have any candy that I thought could look like blocks to put the vans on. 

Van #2.  The yellow gum drops in the middle are the seats with the little gum drops being the people. 

Van #3.  We were low on materials so this one takes a little more imagination to visualize.

I found the key to a structurally sound gingerbread house lies in reading AND following the directions.  First put the sides together allowing each side to dry for 1 minute before adding the next.  Then letting the whole thing dry for an hour before adding the roof.  Then one more hour cure time before decorating. 

Gavin could only bring himself to put on the big candies as that was the safest way to ensure his fingers didn't have to touch the frosting.  He didn't know what the white glue was - I didn't tell him. 

He wanted to make more vans. 

Theo wasn't into the photo op. in front of our first Christmas tree at Camp Monten (Ryan's mom & step-dad's house).

Turns out Gavin likes the snow when he gets to sit in a sled and be pushed around by dad and chased by the dog.

12 hour old cria (baby alpaca). 

We tried and tried and tried to get a photo with the mama alpaca but she ducked out with each picture. 

This one was my favorite.  I wanted to hug it but settled for scratching her cute cheeks.  I asked her to not spit on me.  She was nice and complied.

Theo enjoyed the ride, too, although you would never know by the look on his face in this picture.

Gavin was mildly interested in the alpacas.

Apparently Theo didn't think having his head sniffed by an alpaca was as cute as everyone else. 

My niece Laura.  I can't believe she's 12!

Laura & Matthew.  12 years vs. 6 years.  Matthew's gingerbread house had a seismic activity shortly after this photo was taken.  

He was very proud of his house.

After the roof collapsed he decorated the inside of the house.  He was so proud of his gingerbread tree that wasn't broken.  He's so cute! 

Cousins Laura and Matthew playing with Gavin during their dance party.  Everyone likes to dance when Gavin breaks out his dancing skillz.

My brother got after his kids for jumping on Nana's couch not long after this was taken.  Oops.  I mean, Gavin, get off the couch like that! 

A flood of sprinkles came out.  It was quite a challenge to sweep all of the round sugar balls off the hardwood floors.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! April, you crack me up! (blocks for your gummy vans?!!) The photos are great ; )
