What a game! I only saw bits and pieces because I was getting ready for my friend Wendy's 30th birthday party that started at 7. It was painful to hear muffled crowd sounds coming through the bathroom door. I would stop drying my hair when I thought I heard sounds coming from the TV and whip open the door and yell, "I heard crowd noise! What happened?" Usually it was nothing good.
Once at the party Ryan and I were good for a while but Ryan eventually asked the host if he could turn the t.v. on to the game, promising he would mute it. The host wisely deferred to Wendy who told Ryan he could if he did it downstairs. At first it was just Ryan then slowly an exodus occurred. I ran back and forth between the party upstairs and the party downstairs. I hope Wendy wasn't too upset I was watching the game. There were not many people that I could talk to upstairs. Well, I probably could have talked to people but why? I don't think I'll see most of them ever again and they were all theater people who've been acting together for years. Hmm, does this mean I'm not the social butterfly I thought I was? Downstairs was a wonderful crowd of people that had a commonality: Football. We didn't have to make awkward small talk because we were too busy yelling at the TV together.
Back to the game: How bad does that holder feel that he could not hold on to the ball that was snapped perfectly well? They kept replaying the botched hold job over and over and over. I can only imagine how awful that guy feels. Oh, well. I would rather he feel bad and the Seahawks go to the playoffs. GO SEAHAWKS!!!
It was a good party even though I only knew 5 people there out of the 30 or so that were there. The birthday girl, her husband Lars - who by the way - seems a little different. He seemed more outgoing. Let's see, who else? The birthday girls' brother, Justin. Very cool guy. It's still wierd seeing Justin as an adult, an adult with a fiance, Kim, at least I think that's her name. I remember when Justin had a cabbage patch doll; Wendy and I have been friends for a very long time... Justin wasn't an adult with a doll, just a very young kid (and my brother and all his friends had cabbage patch dolls, too - that's for you Justin, in case you happen to read this). Justin's band played at my wedding. He and some buddies from school had a jazz band and they were young enough that they would accept the measely amount we could afford to shell out and they were AMAZING!!! Everyone loved them. Worth every penny and then some. I think Ryan liked them so much he paid them a little extra. A little. But a little to a college kid is a lot, right?
So, a great game and great party all in one night. Can't beat that for a Saturday night, right? And, I was so good I didn't even have a piece of cake! If you know me you know how truely shocking that is. I'll indulge in a piece of cake on my birthday... this Saturday! Woo-hoo! I'm going to be 30! I'm so excited! Ryan knows well enough to have a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. One year, I think our first year together he didn't get me a cake and I had a melt down. Well, mini-melt down. I made him take me to Safeway so I could buy a piece of cake. Sounds kind of crazy now that I'm writing it down. Well, let's just call it part of my charm.
I'm dying to know what he's going to do. I've been none to subtle letting him know how much this one means to me and have told him that I want a party. Everyone tells me that men aren't mind readers; although Ryan's pretty good at picking up on hints. If I point out something at the store that I like it may very well end up under the Christmas tree even if it's been 6 months. So, my hints, I think have done their job as Ryan has been Mr. Not-so-subtle recently. That and his co-worker said, "I'll see you in two weeks. I think that's supposed to be a surprise, though." Grrr. I don't mind knowing when I'm not supposed to but sheesh! Can no one keep a secret? I did have one other surprise party. My bible study girls threw me a surprise bridal shower but Amee, then friend and bridesmaid, couldn't hold the excitement in and burst at the house as we were packing up to go to the scene of the party which I thought was just going to be a girls night. We lived in the same neighborhood. It makes me laugh when I think about it. Amee was so giddy! Then I had to act surprised when I got there. They went all out with the decorations but since my mom is probably reading this I'll leave the decorations to your imagination.
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