It snowed on Wednesday night! It was light and fluffy and compacted nicely into ice over night so I couldn't go to work. : ) I like living on a hill and working on a hill.
I especially like that there is a huge valley between the two hills.
No one expects me to brave the treacherous hills to come into the office.
So Thursday was a snow day for me!
I got so much done! Since I couldn't put off doing laundry any longer and
seeing as how birthday suits are not socially acceptable (nor practical in January) I washed and dried and folded all day long. I even swept and dusted; between the two cats and dog I swear there is enough fur that accumulates in one week to spin yarn and make a queen size blanket.
Would that be gross? Collecting cat fur to make yarn? What's the difference
between that and an angora rabbit's fur or a sheep's wool for that matter?
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