Eew as in yelch, yuck, gross, gag.
What's so gross you ask?
It was lunch time. Yep. The grossness involves food. The food establishment shall remain nameless but I wanted a TACO at lunch TIME. I ate my chicken soft taco (no sour cream if my midwife is reading this - just salsa) and mexifries (hopefully my midwife can't read small print) then I took my ice tea with an extra lemon wedge (their wedges are tiny, stingy passer outers of lemon they are) and went back to the office where I continued to nurse on my slightly bitter beverage. I sucked up small bits of ice and crunched them as I'm not allowed to chew on ice when Ryan's around and I sucked lemon seeds and swallowed them no problem.
Re-cap: Taco was delicious even though it had an accident on my dress. Mexifries were so-so and (spoiler alert) thus far the ice tea was well, ice tea. What's the problem?
When I reached the last bit of ice tea I sucked up a seed, some ice and something? Uh, I don't know. It wasn't hard, it wasn't crunchy and it wasn't slippery like a lemon seed so I promptly spit it out in my hand. It was part of a fingernail!!!
Insert shocking dooh-dooh-dooh music here.
What do you do with that? I showed it to an agent in the office to ask what they thought it was. She identified it as a fingernail with clean edges as if it were clipped. So I went on-line and sent in a complaint and if they don't respond by tomorrow I'm going take the fingernail I taped to the cup into the restaurant and ... I don't know.
April that is so gross!!!
You need to do something about that! I don't know what, but something. Let us know what their response is.
Oh my gosh!!! That is so freakin' disgusting!!!! I truly expected you to say you found a small buy, or a black lemon seed, but NOT a fingernail!!!! Oh my goodness! I would so call the Heath Department and have a chat with the manager!!! You have to do something about that!
You know what? That grose thing made me think: IF you went into the restaurant they must have handed you a cup. In which case you poured yourself the pop. I remember when I worked at Burgerville we didn't have an icemachine that made ice, as workers we had to fill it from a machine in the back. That is bad, because anyone could cut their nails in the back and then put the ice in the buckets and fill up the ice machine. If you went through the Drive Through, that is grose too, because they had time to pick their noses too, not only to clip their nails! Ahhhh! That is so grose!
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