Tuesday, July 03, 2007

One Glorious Hour

What could put me in such a great mood? Leaving work one hour early. There is a big difference between leaving at 5pm and leaving at 6pm (the difference is even greater in Autumn and Winter but I'll take it anyway I can get it). I have big plans.

1. Play with Kea; it's a lot more fun for her than it is for me. I just stand there and throw the ball while she runs like the retriever she is to retrieve the ball.

2. Change out of this dress! It's a super cute maternity dress but I've been in it all day. Exciting stuff.

3. Clean out my future Outdoor Living Room space. I am going to haul out the old rusted round table that is in there now (left by the previous owner) and scrub it with hard bristle scrubber and soapy water. Then I'm going to spray paint it (while wearing a mask - outdoors, ventilation doesn't get much better than that).

4. Bake the summer pasta dish I made a couple of weeks ago and froze for a time when I didn't want to cook (which is often).


Well, it is 8:34 in the evening and what have I done with my one extra glorious hour?

1. I played with the dog until she petered out. I kind of like the hot weather because she quits chasing the ball much sooner. She can't pant really hard and keep a tennis ball in her mouth - it really impedes the retrieving of the ball.

2. I'm still in my dress but see #3.

3. Instead of cleaning the rusty old table I botched some puzzles while lying in bed in my wife beater tank top (dress was off briefly but went back on - see#4) and took a nap with our over sized ceiling fan cooling me off (thanks to Ryan for turning on the ceiling fan after snickering upon seeing me in said wife beater on the bed with the blankets all piled on his side and my Buddha belly hanging out of my tank top; attractive, I know.

4. Partook of summer pasta dish that I took out of the freezer that Ryan cooked while I was napping in my half naked state of hotness - purely a statement of my thermal being - since it has been established that a half naked pregnant lady may be cute as in the way a kitten is cute she is not 'hot' in that miserable state. I put my nifty maternity dress back on to eat dinner in the living room as I'm a cilivilzed woman; I'm no Homer Simpson, I'm not going to eat dinner in my underoos. Ooh, they should make underoos for adults. I used to love my underoos. I think I had Wonder Woman underoos; yeah, I was super cool.

Tomorrow is Independence Day. We're going to a barbecue my friend Jenn is hosting in Magnolia - I haven't spent much time with her lately so it will be nice to see her and as a bonus the location should have a decent view of the fireworks. I don't know what side dish to bring to share. Maybe caprese salad - but that is mess to make. Maybe I'll 'make' potato salad from Metropolitan Market. Yes, I like that idea.

Hope everyone has a safe 4th of July .


Matt and Crina said...

Sounds like a good hour!
Have a good 4th of July!!!

Caprese salad...sounds so good! I want the recepie!! ;-) Please!

Matt and Crina said...

Ok, so how did your BBQ turned out? Did you make the Caprese salad? We went to BG to Matt's parents. It was lots of fun: my parents showed up, Dan and Teresa were there with the two girls, and Matt build a closet organizer with his Dad. More like Ted build it, and Matt assisted with suggestions, measurements, entertainement... Clare, Noelle and I picked Raspberries. Noelle picks them too, what she can reach, and loves to eat them!! Have you ever seen a dog picking and eating raspberries before? I have never!

Baby is moving and exercising inside.

Take care,

apriljahns said...

Caprese salad - tomatoe slice, basil leaf, mozzarella. Drizzle with olive oil if desired. I like to add a slice of avacado, omit the olive oil, use a dab of balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper. That's it.
BBQ was fine. We only knew the host and left before the fireworks b/c they were going to a park to watch (no place to sit but the ground - no good for the back, and no place to potty).
Kea raids our strawberry patch. Cleaned it out. Little theif didn't leave one berry for us. She has a sweet tooth.

Unknown said...

That was an entertaining post, thanks :)


Matt and Crina said...

THAT is the salad I want to eat! Right now! Just kidding! I do want it though, it sounds so good!