Monday, August 11, 2008

6 years, 8 hours and counting

Ryan and I had our 6th wedding anniversary yesterday. 6 years! Time has a way of sneaking up on you. We've been together 7 1/2 years, longer than all time spent in Jr. High and High School. I seem to remember Jr. High and High School lasting for an eternity. Well, High School started slow and sped up each year and Senior year flew by. It seems that Jr. High lasted longer than all of elementary and High school combined.

Enough about Jr. High; I'm going to give myself nightmares.

To celebrate our 6 years of wedded bliss we went to brunch at Salty's instead of going out to our usual dinner at some fancy pants restaurant. In years past we've gone to Palisade, the Space Needle restaurant Sky High (or something like that) and my all time favorite: El Gaucho. Their salmon is flown in from some river in Alaska and it blows Copper River Salmon out of the water. No contest. It was so delicious I could have cried from its tasty gloriousness.

Salty's puts on one mean brunch. I had been looking forward to this brunch for weeks. When we finally arrived on yesterday morning I didn't know where to start. There was so much to choose from. Omelet? Crab legs? Pasta station? Bread? (Ha! Bread! As if! You think I'm going to waste precious room with bread? Amateur).

While Ryan and I feasted Gavin wolfed down cheerios. I'm loving this whole oblivious stage. Oblivious to the stellar food just beyond his reach and perfectly content with wheat cereal and diluted apple juice in a sippy cup. When he realizes he's not eating the good stuff we will have no choice but to stop eating at nice restaurants with him. Yep. We hardly feel comfortable spending an obscene amount of money on us on our anniversary but to shovel pricey food into the same mouth that can appreciate the subtle taste differences between a leather shoe and foam flip flop is just wrong.

That evening Gavin went to a babysitters house (Ryan's former co-worker who practically begged us for the privilege of watching Gavin) and we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. I never told Ryan how much I spent when I went to the movie theater last month so it was fun to see him get all worked up over the cost to see a movie. We haven't been to see a movie together in two years. It cost over $40 so see a movie. $20 for tickets, $11 for a medium drink, medium popcorn and bag of candy, $13 for parking. Outrageous.

Also outrageous: the new Indiana Jones movie.

It was enjoyable but so, so very far out there. Way far. Even for Indiana Jones. I kind of wish I had watched the previous movies so I could have kept up with all of the references they made to the other adventures Indy and pals made.

All in all it was a good anniversary. We had some time to spend together as a family and got a little time to ourselves at the theater and at the Cheesecake Factory afterwards & we stayed out until 10:30! It's like we weren't over 30 or parents it was so late!

Happy 6 years to me and Ryan!


Unknown said...

Happy anniversary to you both!

Matt and Crina said...

Happy Anniversary! It sounds like it was a fun day, probably you'll remember for years to come!

I think of your wedding all the time; I have the blue dress in my closet on the left hand bar, towards the middle by the shelves with a Macy's bag on it to keep it nice. The bottom is flared out of the bag, and for now the dress will stay in the bag until I lose some mass. I remember you had gorgeus flowers and the place you got married was a beautiful and spacious church.

Can't believe it has been 6 years! Happy Anniversary again!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Congratulations on 6 years! I love Salty's- what a great way to celebrate!
