Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rum in the Tum Tum is Fun

When I'm lying in bed at 2 a.m. I have so many great subjects swirling around in my head that I want to write about. The same is true when I'm in the car or in the shower but not so much when I'm sitting down in front of the computer.

Something just struck me as odd. In the last paragraph I wrote "sitting down". How else can one sit? Up? Sideways? Upside down? I'm such a word nerd. Or, werd nerd (visualize me crossing my arms over my chest with my hands forming a 'W'). 'Sup.

OK... now I'm just a regular nerd.

Speaking of words, Ryan and I having ourselves a little disagreement about what makes a rhyme a rhyme. He was playing with Gavin after bathtime and before you knew it a slew of silliness was flowing from Ryan. There was something about Gavin's bum and tum tum and rum in said tum tum (I know, tsk, tsk and for the record I denounce any giving of rum or any other spirits to babies) and it was at this point Ryan ran out of words that rhyme with rum so I piped up and said, "fun."

Ryan said fun does not rhyme with rum because it ends with an 'm' and not an 'n'. Sure, I could go to the dictionary and look up onomatopoeia and alliteration and try to remember all of the other words from English class that a true word nerd would know (guess that makes me a poser) that pertain to the repetition of sounds and consonants and vowels and such but eh... I'm putting it to the masses (that's you, dear reader).

Does fun rhyme with rum?


Matt and Crina said...

Anything when you have Rum, it rhymes with Fun. What else would it be?!?!?! ;-) When there is Rum around, you add some strawberries and ice and you get Fun!

I will say Yes, Fun rhymes with Rum because women need to stick together! :-)

Matt says No. But then again, guys stick with guys. What can you do?!

Anonymous said...

It must be nice to have a friend like Crina who will agree with what is cleary NOT a rhyme just because you are both women.

Crina does make a good point that fun may be a result of drinking rum but that does not make it rhyme. If we did follow that logic rum also rhymes with drunkenness, drowsiness, behavioral changes, poor judgement, coordination difficulty, difficulty standing, slurred speech, aggression, inappropriate behavior, poor attention span, memory problems, stupor, bloodshot eyes, and alcohol breath.

apriljahns said...

I found out who "anonymous" is and his opinion does NOT count as he is none other than Ryan.

Nice try.

Matt and Crina said...

Ah! Matt was right again! He read the 'Anonymous' post and first thing comes out of his mouth is "Ha ha ha; it sounds like Ryan!"
Men! How do they know?!?!?

Wilson Clan said...

As a fellow word nerd, sorry April, I gotta side with Ryan on this one. Btw...I love that you have all of these great blogging ideas any time you're not blogging--I do too!!!