Monday, December 22, 2008

Even More Pictures

Don't be alarmed but there are more pictures I want to post. It's must concern some of you since in the past I've been berated for not posting more pictures. The difference is the equipment I'm using now. Now I post using Ryan's computer because I can just pop the memory stick into the laptop... that and I finally figured out how to add more than one photo at a time thereby saving a lot of time....

One hot snow w-o-m-a-n! Or is it one 'cool' snow woman?

The grounds of a local hall.

O Tannenbaum! O Tannenbaum! Du gruenst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit, nein auch im Winter wenn es Schneit.
(Translation: O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! You are green not only in summer, no, also in winter when it snows).
(don't correct my German - this is how I remember it from German I learned in
High School, many, many years ago).

Looking down the sidewalk on my homeward approach.

A view of the wading pool I took Gavin to this summer.

Same wading pool, different angle.

White snow, red berries, green leaves. How could I not take a picture?

Car stuck in snow drift in middle of the street.
One reason I don't drive in the snow.

Car burning rubber trying to leave parking space. Car continued burning rubber as it tried to drive down the street. Another reason I don't drive in the snow (burning rubber plus people like me taking a picture of embarrassing moment and the crowd of gawkers making sure you don't hit a parked car and run).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos, and I love you.