Why does it seem that when you are in a hurry you can't find a parking space even remotely close to where you need to be?
Today I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond downtown. We drove because I didn't feel like hauling the loot home whilst pushing a stroller and navigating urine soaked elevators in the bus tunnel. Oh, I don't think I ever mention that little part when I talk about how much I love living in the city and taking the train places. Wow. The homeless use the elevators as a discreet place to relieve themselves. I can understand the desire to have some privacy but urine in an enclosed space... It doesn't matter how quickly someone comes and dumps a bucket of water on it. It's there to stay.
But writing about stinky elevators isn't why I'm writing. I'm writing because I did something amazing today. Truly amazing.
On our way to BB&B we passed the Dahlia Bakery (upon reading "Dahlia Bakery" the skies should have opened and a host of heavenly voices streamed down). As I looked at the store front sign I saw a huge parking spot right outside of the store. Then another parking spot. All of these parking spots were beckoning me to come hither.
I even looked in my rear view mirror and saw that I had plenty of time and room to do some maneuvering to get the giant minivan into one of the aforementioned spots that were so close to a little bit of Heaven on earth.
I thought of the fig bar I enjoyed there last fall with my friend Jenn (thanks and curses for showing me the Dahlia Bakery) and thought it would be nice to enjoy another fig bar right about now.
Then I thought of my butt. Well, I actually thought of my grandma arms and too far out to call it a post partum belly-belly.
With eyes focused straight ahead I kept driving.
And that was amazing. No forces beyond my control forced the van to the side of the road. No forces beyond my control made me unload the kids from the van.
So my arms and belly may not have shrunk any today they at least didn't grow any, either.
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