It is too early to breath a sigh of relief or to make any excited proclamations but I can make excited proclamations about what I have already received. Two nights in a row.
Any guesses as to what I am so thrilled about?
Gavin gave his beloved Mommy 6 hours of sleep two nights in a row!
I am praying it isn't a fluke. There is one wrinkle in his gift of sleep to me, however. It may come at a certain cost. Previous to all of the sleep being had by one uber-cute baby there was much crying, fussing and screaming being belted out for the duration of the evening.
Last night Ryan and Gavin's Nana Monten tested ways to soothe the little Grumpers. Nana walked with him in laps around her house facing outward. Grumpers turned into a docile lamb with eyes wide open staring at all of the lights. Ryan then took the G and made sure it wasn't just the Nana factor.
To further test their hypothesis that walking was the cure to the fussies Ryan would stop and sit on the couch. It only took a moment for Gavin to start wailing. Ryan let him get worked up enough to make sure the walking was the answer.
As soon as they stood up and started walking Gavin baa'd like the good little lamb that he is.
It was then my turn to change a variable in the testing. After walking with him facing outward (to make sure it wasn't the Nana/Daddy factor) and calming him down I sat down and let Gavin work himself up to a good cry before standing up and walking with him facing inward. That worked as well so long as he was able to see the lights.
My thoughts on the light fascination with babies is that lights to babies are like over the top Christmas light displays to adults (or children). It is just so nice to look at all of the twinkly lights against the backdrop of the dark sky.
I used to love staring at the Christmas tree when I was little and let my eyes go out of focus and all of the lights grew fuzzy with halos. Now all I have to do is take off my glasses and I see the pretty fuzzy Christmas tree lights of my youth.
Losing the fuzzy Christmas lights is the only wrinkle in my plan to get laser eye surgery (one of these years). Sorry, Swell & Sheepie. As grateful as I am to have glasses that enable me to see clearly I still HATE them. The lenses fog up in the winter when you walk in doors, they get wet in the rain, a gross film on them at the beach and they are so easy to lose. How do you find your glasses when you need your glasses to see? And don't say to only put them in one spot - if I was that conscientious in the first place I would never lose them and wouldn't ask the question.
Gavin is starting to stir so I should wrap this up before he realizes he is hungry.
Glad to hear you are getting more sleep! Have you tried contact lenses at all? I don't like the idea of Lasik....too many cons (I won't go into all that) for me, but most ppl that have it seem happy with the results; although, there are some that have horrible results and still have to wear glasses for everything, but now without being able to see 20/20...It is definitely still a pretty risky thing, especially maybe not worth the risk when dealing with something so needy as your eyeballs. Especially when it is not a medical necessity. But, that's just my take on it... We won't disown you as a friend if you have Lasik! :)
Hope you had a great Christmas and that it wasn't too stressful and tiring...
I just saw your comment. I have tried contacts a couple of times. They give me a headache but maybe that was because I wore them when I had a desk job and stared at a computer all day. Maybe its time I give them another try.
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