Monday, December 17, 2007


I just realized I didn't put mauigirl's blog back on my site after I updated my blogger account. Sorry. It wasn't a purposeful move - I only had enough brain power to add the two then I petered out. I'll add it back soon. Promise.

I have nothing else to post about. Sure I could post about the cutest baby EVER. But that's got to get old. Although he has started to coo a bit. Now if he could just try to sleep a bit at night that would be fan-freakin'-tastic.

Ryan had baby duty on Saturday night. I had pumped so Ryan could feed Mr. Fussers when he woke up frequently demanding food. It was the first time since I got pregnant that I slept 8 hours. Glorious sleep! I could have slept another 8 hours but we ran out of pumped milk and I was going to explode - and I'm not talkin' about my bladder. Ouch. Gavin was needed for some decompression.

Because Ryan had the G-man on Saturday I was able to go to church on Sunday. It was Gavin's first day at church. Ryan slept. I spent most of the service out of the service feeding Gavin but it was still good to get my foot back in the door of the church.

Now I'm going home (I'm at my office in West Seattle as I was running errands). Maybe I'll get a few minutes of sleep. Maybe I will fold one of the 4 or 5 baskets of clean laundry in the dining room. Maybe I'll sweep up the bushels of cat and dog fur billowing around the house. Maybe I'll make dinner.

Most likely I will feed Gavin and change his diaper 3 or 4 times before Ryan gets home and watch a lot of Law and Order while Sweet Pea is happily nursing with his eyes closed.


Anonymous said...

Yay for sleeping 8 hours straight! Hopefully he'll be sleeping all night soon enough. Sleep is priceless. I love sleeping (too much). What office in West Seattle are you talking about?

Post some more pictures of the cute man. By the way, I'm not liking the C.P. nickname...It really scared me when I first read "CP", then "Poor Gavin."...I was thinking: "Oh no, Gavin has Cerebral Palsy!!!" It seriously really scared me, because the next thing you wrote was poor gavin. So, no CP. Maybe CG (Cute Gavin) or GP (Gavin the precious..I rather like this one!)


apriljahns said...

CP was a one day nickname. The names really do change from day to day.
Gavin the Precious is cute. : )
I'll have to post some pictures. First I need to consolidate them.