Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hanging in there

Just checking in here to let everyone know all is well since I haven't been Ms. Social as of late. I don't pick up the phone when it rings because I usually have Gavin physically attached to me and I can't reach the phone. I don't e-mail because as I sit on the couch I have to angle the laptop and type with one hand because I'm feeding Gavin. One handed typing at an angle on a couch while the laptop is perched precariously on the dog kennel gives me back spasms.
I have been told that soon Gavin will sleep through the night. Of course I was also told that when the baby reaches 10 pounds he will sleep better. Gavin is weighing in at over 12 pounds now. I suppose he does sleep better, closer to 3 hours than 2 hours but it is still a struggle to keep him asleep when you go for the super slow motion transfer from your lap or shoulder to the swing/cradle/co-sleeper/bouncy chair/car seat (what ever you think and pray to God he will sleep in).
As I write this it took 4 attempts to get him to go to sleep and stay asleep. I started after he was given a clean diaper and fed. He fell asleep after eating his fill of mom's super food but woke up as soon as I put him in his swing and was none to happy about not being in my arms. I held him again and lulled him off to sleep and tried the car seat. Failed. I lulled him off again and put him back in the swing. Nope. This process took 2 hours. Next thing you know he's hungry again. This time I fed him and put him in his cradle and after mild fussing he fell asleep and is still sleeping. I put the monitor on him and made my way to the basement so I could check e-mail and write this on the desktop since the laptop is having issues staying connected to the Internet.
The little guy is smiling now. OK, he's not smiling right this very second but you know what I mean. His toothless, open mouth smile is so CUTE. It's also very elusive when the camera comes out to capture it. One of these days we will have proof of the adorableness that is my son's smile.
We can't wait for him to laugh. A baby's giggle is just about the most precious thing there is. God knew what he was doing when he made them so darn cute. Even as Gavin cries we laugh at how cute he is with his bottom lip jutting out and at how perfectly he forms the 'W' when he wails. My mother-in-law was saying she has never heard a baby actually make a 'waa' sound when they cry like Gavin does.
Alright. He is starting to stir a bit. That means the clock has started. He should be awake within the hour. I have a few minutes to go eat something since I chose to sleep instead of eat dinner tonight while Ryan was able to watch him before he went to bed.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season.


Matt and Crina said...

Gavin surely grew quite a bit! His eyes are gorgeous, they are big! He looks very alert and looks like he likes the Santa hat! What an adorable sight! His first Christmas! Do you have anything planned for him for Christmas?

We have an outfit that I bought from Avon even before I was married. I told Matt that we need to plan our child to be 6 to 9 months old around Christmas. He laughed at me silly when he heard I would plan my child around a reindeer outfit!! It just works out she fits into it now!

I have a nickname for you. From now on, you will be SuperApril for me. You know how SuperGirl, SuperMan, etc... are heroes? Well, you are one SuperApril to stay awake with him. You are just amazing how you do it, 2 to 3 hours of sleep at a time! For me, it has happened twice that A. was crying in the middle of the night, and I was so tired that I simply slept through it. Daddy came to rescue both times. As a Mom, it is possible to get so tired, that sleep is a luxury.

Can't wait to see that picture of him smiling! Can't wait to meet him, too!

C, M, AM, and Noelle

Unknown said...

Hi April! Thanks for the update and the cute picture! Gavin is sleepless in Seattle :) Ha!

Looking forward to more pictures and stories!


apriljahns said...

C - since Gavin is hardly aware of his own hands we are not buying him anything for Christmas. We will give him a generous supply of warm milk straight from the factory(well, I will), fresh diapers and lots kisses.
Oh, and the dog is getting a week in paradise from us for Christmas (a week in the country at my in-laws). I'm getting a week of the dog in the country as my present. : )