Friday, March 07, 2008


It's not big enough to take a picture of otherwise I would but... Gavin's first tooth is popping up! Woo-hoo. I only knew it was there because I felt it when he was chewing on my finger. It is his bottom right little tooth. He's only 4.5 months so it is a little on the early side for him to be sprouting teeth but it's going to be so cute!

This new addition to his gum line is probably the reason he quit sleeping through the night. Poor little guy - it hurts. I remember how uncomfortable it was when my wisdom teeth tried to push their way up through my gums (I say tried because as soon as they started I went and had them pulled). I didn't find the process painful; everyone told me it was going to be super painful. Of course I did have vicodin to take for the pain which I did take the first day and a half; after that I realized I was taking it pre-emptively and maybe I should stop and see if I actually needed it. Nope. It wasn't so bad.

I sure was loopy, though with the sedatives. I remember the nurse asking me to count to 10 as she gave me the medicine. I think I made it to 3 before everything went black. After what felt like the best rest of my life a strange woman (the nurse) was looming over me all fuzzy like telling me to wake up. Through my slitted eyes I saw her and my mom, also very fuzzy looking and my friend Matt. I didn't care who was in the room. I wanted to go back to sleep. So I just shut my eyes again but that darn nurse wanted me to leave!

At this point I knew I was heavily sedated and wanted to know if there was an elevator we could take down to the parking lot since I knew there was no way I would be able to make it down the stairs that I used to come up to the office earlier in the morning.

I clearly asked the nurse, "Is there an elevator?" What everyone around me heard was, "Ish air vadr?" I could not understand the bland looks I was getting from everyone because I was articulating my words so very clearly. Realizing they were all dense and couldn't understand the spoken word I took to sign language and spelled out elevator - no one knew sign language so I can't confirm I actually spelled the words correctly or not.

Realizing they didn't know ASL (I only know the ABC's) I started gesturing with my hands to show doors opening and closing. I guess Matt figured out what I was asking and told me that we were going to fly down to the parking lot. I don't recall if I glared at him or not.

Getting outside was a blur but the next thing I remember is facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the curb. Standing tall at 8 feet, or so it felt, the curb looked really, really far down there. My mom and Matt each took a side so I could step down. Whew. That was scary.

When we got home mom fed me my pain pills with some milkshake. My face was numb, almost as numb as my brain. I couldn't manage the spoon so mom put the pill on top of the ice cream on the spoon and put it in my mouth. Then she did something that I find HILARIOUS!

When I drooled some of the ice cream on my chin she scooped it up with the next spoonful of ice cream and put it in my mouth. I guess I will always be her baby.

Speaking of mom, she and dad are coming up tomorrow for a brief visit. I am excited to see them and really excited that they can hold Gavin and entertain him so I can fold the 4 baskets, hamper and dryer full of clean clothes. Good times.

1 comment:

Swell said...

Hi April! I've enjoyed looking at the adorable pictures (finally!). Gavin's very, very cute.

I never had pain from my wisdom teeth, and they grew in just dentist said to remove them anyways, but I refused! I was kinda scared of the whole experience and didn't have time (was in college) but to this day I still have them and no problems! Lucky me I guess.

We're sitting here at the airport in Anchorage. Just got done with a terrible flight of a kid kicking my seat the entire way! Matthew tried to yell at him, but he kept it up the entire flight. ARGH!!!

Anyways, we'll wave as we fly over Seattle in a couple hours :)
