Don't get too excited about the post title because I'm on the fence about broadcasting the names we like this time around. I have been pretty open about names that I like and have had some pretty vehement opposition to a few names I really, really like. Of course the vehement opposition and foaming at the mouth make me want to use those particular names even more but Ryan does not feel the same way. I guess I mostly want to keep the few names we both like under wraps so as to keep Ryan from getting spooked because he does read this from time to time nowadays.
I will, however give you some names that I adore but are probably not going to happen because we can't get a consensus between the two of us or because other people's foaming at the mouth at the mention of the name turned part of the party off to it or because it just doesn't 'work'.
Desmond - to be called Dez. I don't care what anyone says - I really like this name. If Ryan changed his mind I would pick it. A lot of people just don't like it but I think our awesome little dude would become that Desmond that other people would say of, "I knew a Desmond, he was a really nice guy," and have a positive association with the name. Ryan's the one who first brought this name to the table.
Gabriel - to be called Gabe. If we named #2 something that start with a 'G' we would feel obligated to name #3 with a 'G' as well. We don't want to be "that" family. Plus it's Sylar's real name on Heroes.
Elijah - to be called Eli. I LOVE this name but Ryan thinks its too biblical (he just doesn't like it).
Ezra - a friend named her baby Ezra and Ryan doesn't like it for his son. If he's not keen on Elijah then Ezra does seem even more exotic.
Zachariah - to be called Zach. Heck, I just like the name Zach but Ryan is anti one-syllable names since our last name is so short and I would only go with Zachariah to get the nickname Zach.
Jack - put it together; it doesn't work unless you are a California surfer dude singing mellow tunes.
Luke - too short and there is NO way I would do Lucas (went to school with a kid we called Lucas Pucas - well, I didn't call him that but I thought it). I do think I did call one kid by his nickname, Yelly Kelly - I don't recall if his name was actually Kelly - I think he was just loud and really, what else goes with Yelly?
Charley - It's so darn cute but it seems like he would need a more grown up name for adult hood.
Henry - It just seems so cute for a little boy. Of course, this name also causes people to sputter and spew - that and it's too popular in Seattle. And Ryan doesn't like it.
Keaton - Ryan doesn't like that it's a last name.
Isaac - it's growing in popularity (a negative for me) plus I don't think Ryan is as on-board with it as he was the last time around. That and I don't want to give #2 a name we decided against the first time 'round. Would he feel like a runner up?
Ethan - Ryan really, really, really likes this name but it is insanely popular. Plus it is the name of a pseudo-villain from the first season of Lost. He's the creepy dude who tried to kill Charlie.
Colin - this one is all Ryan. I don't like the name because of a kid I grew up with named Colin - that and its too close to colon in my head. Everyone else likes the name, though.
Milo - yep, it's kind of old but I like it nonetheless
Miles - I like it but its off the table because it just doesn't seem right to have a transportation engineer name his child Miles.
Nathan - I don't like the full name but like the one-syllable nickname, Nate.
Sawyer - I liked the name last time but I like it even more this time. Most people dislike it. I think Ryan likes the name but not for his son. Of course, one of our favorite TV shows has a character named Sawyer so that doesn't help matters.
That's about it for names we are not using (unless Ryan has a change of heart for some reason).
Don't try to pressure me into giving you a list of names we like because that will only strengthen my resolve to not do it.
Wow - I never really thought about how hard it would be to pick a baby's name!!! I enjoyed reading through all the names and your comments on them!
Good luck with your final decision!!!
I read a lot of names from Lost in her no-go list.
Well, Lost is such a great show with great characters. Notice there was no Boone, Sayid, Ben or Hurley, though.
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