Tuesday, October 09, 2007

First Day

Yesterday was my first day as a lady of leisure. It wasn't all that leisurely. My plans for the day were big. I was going to hit Southcenter (center of all things shopping - a place I despise but must go since it has what I need) for Babies 'R Us and Target and sporting goods stores so I could find one last present for Ryan.

My big plans were shot hours before they were to commence. At 2:30 in the morning I woke up - wide awake. I stayed wide awake for several hours before falling back asleep around 6:30 then I was back up when Ryan left. I felt kind of guilty seeing him off to work - I didn't feel any different than I had the week before so why wasn't I going to work? Oh, that's right. I need to rest up before the baby comes.

So I waddle off to take care of the screaming horde of animals (well, the cats scream for breakfast and the dog just follows me closer than a shadow and wills me to feed her with her huge brown labrador eyes).

I didn't make it out the door until 10:30. No good. That left me enough time at Babies 'R Us to pick out the carseat/stroller combo; I chose the Chicco by default. The salesman was showing me how to work the Gracco Quattro Tour Deluxe blah, blah, blah and I just wanted to pick it up and throw it across the store. He said it was so difficult to operate because it was a floor model and was pretty beat up. Uh, the Chicco was also a floor model and it worked just fine; besides, with all of the stairs we have and with me not being Grace Kelly I think I'll go with the brand that can hold up to freaked out new moms and dads manhandling the floor models.

On the to buy list was also the Diaper Champ (unlike the Diaper Genie it doesn't require a plastic bag for each diaper - more economical and environmentally friendly). Throw in some glass bottles (there has been bad news about plastic bottles off gassing some nasty stuff into the milk which causes problems later in the child developement). Ooh, and I got a breast feeding pillow that is supposed to be better than the Boppy.

It was a pretty exciting trip at the baby superstore. I almost bought a Santa hat for the baby but I don't want to buy one that will be too small when it's finally time for him to wear it. A santa hat is a requirement for all babies too young to reach up and pull it off their cute little heads. If he comes within two weeks of Halloween I may buy him a pumpkin suit onsie costume. Too cute!

After my big day at Babies 'R Us I met up with my old boss who took me to lunch to celebrate me leaving that office. : ) Lunch was nice and it was good to catch up with Meg since we used to see each other every day.

Next on my agenda (or so I thought) was to go home and bake the sugar cookies I prepped the night before for Ryan's birthday. It wasn't until I got home and was throwing the ball in the alley for the dog did I remember that I didn't buy Ryan's last present so I hopped back in the car and drove to Westwood Village (the major shopping center in West Seattle). I hit the three clothing stores that have men's clothing and I thought I found the lightweight rain coat he wanted at Big 5 - turns out it's just an athletic warm up jacket. Oops.

I was finally able to return home, bake the cookies and frost them with store bought frosting : (
and add super fun sprinkles.

It was now 5:30 and I was missing my nap. I laid down to rest for a few minutes when my little brother called. We chatted for a few minutes then I got up and it was time to go again. It was Ryan's birthday so I picked him up for work and we went to Bamboo Bar & Grill on Alki as it is his favorite place to get a margarita and since we know the bartender she made it extra special for him.

Last night was great for sleep! Even though I woke up every 90 minutes to empty my not nearly full enough to wake me bladder I was able to go right back to sleep after each trip! I feel so good! By the way, I'm not kidding about every 90 minutes. It was almost to the minute. Crazy!


Swell said...

Congratulations on your 1st day of NO work! It must be nice :) Even though sometimes it is actually easier to be at work - at least for me. At home there is always something to do. Not so much at work. Today I had no patients scheduled till 2:15 - and that is only a quick check; and then again a quick 5:00 check... so far all I've done is answer the phone once. I'm trying to do as little as possible since my whole pay fiasco.. that should be a post, but my wrist hurts too bad to type it all out.

Happy belated B-day to Ryan (assuming it was this past Monday - on Canadian Thanksgiving!)

I'll have to give you a call and chat now that you are not always at work :)

apriljahns said...

Ooh, do call. I want to hear about the pay fiasco. Well, I'm off to nap now.

Anonymous said...

I called, but no answer :( But that was yesterday, today I went home sick from work...sick and also lazy. We didn't have any patients scheduled, so I left at lunch.

Looks like you're decorating and re-decorating your blog, is this part of the nesting process? :) I kinda miss the pink...but this is easier on the eyes.


apriljahns said...

Hope you feel better soon.

I had no intentions of redoing the look of my blog but I found out yesterday that when I upgraded it a while ago it didn't take so I had to pick a new template... I think I like this one.