Thursday, November 20, 2008


If you were quite enough this morning, around 7:57 Pacific Time, you may have heard the faint singing of a chorus of heavenly angels. The sound of the heavenly hosts singing Handel's Messiah had a long way to reach our earthly ears but to hear them singing, "King of kings!... and Lord of lords!... and he shall reign, and he shall reign... forever and ever!" in the wonderful answer and call between the men and the women was as sweet as could be. Ah, it brings such a smile to my face. Their beautiful voices fell from Heaven and pierced the dazzling blue sky dotted with white fluffy clouds to make my morning much more joyful.

OK. It was dark, gray and a bit gloomy and threatening to rain but it could have been raining cats and dogs and my happiness would not have wavered, not even a bit for I was well rested and it was at 7:57 am that I heard the contended sounds of my baby sweetly babbling to his plush doggy over the baby monitor. What a way to wake up. No harsh alarms and no screaming baby to jar me awake just his cute baby voice talking to wake me. And when I did awake I realized I wasn't tired and I felt rested. Well rested! Me! Rested!

Do you hear me world?! I was well rested! Slumber, sweet, sweet slumber was my friend for EIGHT hours last night. My old friend, Slumber, has not been visiting me recently - he has been gone since March. He was busy elsewhere and sent a work associate, Grumpy Pants the Stingy Sandman, to visit my baby. Well, Grumpy Pants the Stingy Sandman and Slumber can not co-exist in the same household; where one is present you will surely not find the other. For some unknown reason Grumpy Pants the Stingy Sandman decided to take a hiatus for a couple of days this week and Slumber made friends with Gavin and re-kindled our friendship in the process.

I know that Grumpy Pants the Stingy Sandman will be back and kick Slumber out of the house again but I do not know when. Will it be tonight? Or will it be when Gavin has molars erupting or maybe when he has a cold or learns about monsters (or the shadows that look like monsters). Until he returns am going to make the most of my time with Slumber.

It is my earnest prayer that Grumpy Pants the Stingy Sandman stays away for a long, long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go 8! And many more 8+++ to come!!!