Friday, November 07, 2008


There are no words to completely describe how incredibly adorable this moment I'm going to share with you was.

It was midnight and I was tired. Gavin started crying, "feed me! feed me!" as only he can. I flung the fluffy and warm comforter aside and shuffled to the kitchen to warm some cow's milk for him. I then shuffled to his room and erased my scowl as I opened the door to his room and replaced it with a little smile and said, "Hi, Sweetheart."

That usually elicits some excited grunting through the crying. Crying that usually does not cease until his mouth is full. As I expected he was none to pleased to see the sippy cup. Too bad. He must have been hungry because his screaming protest didn't last long and he pounded the milk; he hardly paused to breath he sucked it down so fast.

Once he had his fill he stood there in his crib, whimpering and holding onto the rail. I saw his plush doggy was on the floor so I picked it up and tossed it into the crib and turned my attention to helping Gavin back to sleep but it wasn't necessary. Gavin saw me throw the dog in and he made some cute little baby babble/grunt/statement and collapsed to his knees, turned around and flung himself onto the dog and and rubbed his face in the doggy and fell asleep.

That moment is one that I hope never fades in my mind. It was so precious.

1 comment:

Swell said...

Awww!!!! SO CUTE!!! :)