Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It Happened

Tonight is a night for the history books. It is a night when America walked the talk. We have elected a black man to be our president. My son will grow up in a country where the color divide has experienced its largest set back.

I cannot believe that I get to be part of such a positive, momentous event. These kinds of events are so few and far between that we only get a handful per lifetime.


Unknown said...

Pretty exciting, eh? I wasn't a part of it as I'm not allowed to vote (I'm a felon) but I'm excited to witness the coming (fingers crossed) change.

A great acceptance speech. The crowd at McCain's concession speech was disappointing to say the least. I hope that this nation can come together and work for the common good rather than continuing to push for the individual.

Swell said...

Felon, eh? What did you do?

apriljahns said...

By felon do you mean Canadian or Romanian? I thought Swell is a citizen. I must have missed the chapter where you were convicted of a felony.

Unknown said...

Nicole is a citizen but didn't vote. I'm unable to vote because I'm Canadian. When people ask me who I'm voting for I just say "I can't vote" and look at them process that information.

It goes something like this:

"He's white. He doesn't have an accent. He.... must...be..a..."

and then I say "I'm not a citizen".

Its quite entertaining.

apriljahns said...

I bet that is fun. Ryan asked my neighbor yesterday if he went to the polls and the neighbor told him he's not a citizen. Forgot he was born in Germany but moved to the states w/ the fam. when he was a baby. Guess he doesn't want to be a citizen if hasn't done so by now.