Gavin and I took a nap this morning. We take a nap most mornings. Today, however we took a nap in my bed. On a flat surface!!! He slept on a flat surface! He slept on a stationary surface! There was no bouncing, no vibrating, no rocking and no swinging.
When nap time was over I slipped out of bed and he slept a few minutes longer all by himself while I got ready for a visit to see my friend Erika and her son Zach. When we got home that afternoon we took another nap on the bed. Gavin fought this one a little more but it just took a tummy full of milk to lull him off to sleep but he didn't last long with out me next to him.
I'm sure there are a few people reading this who shudder at the thought of a baby in bed with an adult. Did you know that societies that practice co-sleeping (baby in bed) have a lower incidence of SIDS? It is rare that an adult smothers the baby and when it does happen the adult is usually under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In preparation for bringing Gavin into our bed I removed the memory foam top we had as it is way too soft. When he is in bed we put him up high but not too close to the head board and we keep the blankets at waist height as to prevent us from pulling them up over him.
Of course as I write this he is sleeping in his swing. It is Friday night and I slept for several hours after Ryan came home. I'm going to go get him soon to come out and take over G duty. Tomorrow night I will try sleeping in our bed and will bring Gavin in with us. I would do it tonight but since I can't know how it will turn out I want to ensure I have at least one good night sleep before starting something new.
All this talk about sleep is making me sleepy :)
Does he not like sleep in his crib?
One night, both M and I were so tired, that we put A in our bed between us to soothe her. We placed her on our pillow, which is a curved one. We were so tired that we fell asleep before baby did. We woke up in the morning, not realizing we slep together through the night. It worked well with us, she calmed down and slept throught the night. She was about 2 months old. Now I take naps with her in bed, and we both sleep well. Hope the Baby in Bed works for you, sounds like G likes to have you near him when sleeping.
How late do you stay up with him? Midnight?
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