There are three things I've wanted to write about for the last couple of weeks but I don't have enough time, or desire, to write volumes on the subjects so I'm just going to lump them all in one and if my energy level doesn't waver I may write about nutty housecleaning. Oh, boy.
He's baaack...
I think I saw Red Van Man the other day. He was clean shaven so it took a second for it to register that it was Red Van Man. Since he hasn't been living in his van across the street I am going to assume he has a (stationary) roof over his head. Good for him. I hope he is doing well. Another indication of his move up was his newer wheels. He is now driving a nicer version of his old van, this one is blue.
Hair balls
They aren't so much hair balls as they are just loads of hair. My hair. Many people believe that when a woman is pregnant she grows more hair because her hair becomes very thick. I don't think pregnancy causes a woman to grow more hair rather I think that the normal 100 hundred or so strands that a person normally loses in a day are diminished. I almost forgot how much hair I used to pull from my comb after shampooing my hair. Since I was blessed with a thick mane I am not too concerned about the hair loss I am currently experiencing. I think it is just a little more than normal since I am breast feeding and my hormone levels are at a menopausal level.
Exciting stuff, this hair loss.
The Deterioration of the English Language
I am not an English major and do not make any claims to have a superior command of said language nor do I believe that my English is horrendous.
Having said that, can you tell me if this sounds off to you: "Whom would you like to have coffee with?"
If you frequent Barnes and Noble that statement may look familiar to you as it is displayed prominently on a stand promoting books by famous authors.
Should it not read: "With whom would you like to have coffee?"?
One would think the display at the bookstore would not have such a glaring error. English buffs please tell me if I am right.
And, yes, I am a dork for caring. : ) (And for using the archaic smiley face like I do).
I read your blog first time last night, the first chance I got to sit down at the computer was LATE night, and tired. First glance I read 'hairy balls' instead of 'hair balls'. I said to myself 'I got to go to bed pronto!'. I re-read your post this morning and makes more sense now that my brain rested ;-)
Did Gavin sleep through the night again?
Yes, I agree with you the B&N add line sounds a little odd.
where is you at being? LOL
It took me a second to get your comment since I looked at the comment before the post. Ha!
Double up on the night-time diaper, buy rubber pants and put a pad under that cute part. won't stop the problem but it will help, plus you might get disposable night diapers
It IS wrong to say "Whom would you like to have a coffee with." It SHOULD be "With whom would you like to have a coffee." Bravo for catching that error, and I share in the dorkdom that is caring about the failure of our language.
I may have to use your blog as a source in my essay about the deterioration of the English language, if that's hunky-dory. :P I'll put it somewhere near my mini-rant about people saying "from whence" when "whence" itself means "from where."
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