It seems hard to believe there is a subject matter that I would hesitate to write about. If you read my previous post you understand what I mean. I wrote an entire post on my right boob. Really. Read it. It's all about my boob.
What is it that causes me such inner turmoil that I am nervous as I am sitting here in our office space writing this? I'm fumbling for the right words to use. How do I break this news? I can hardly believe it myself. I tell myself that it is temporary and that I am at the core the same person. But am I?
My friends' husband is in the same boat as am I. We are both shocked by our actions but it seemed like the only answer. I have a sneaking suspicion he is not shouting from the rooftops what he did anymore than I am. This is as close to rooftop shouting as I get.
I'm not completely aware of the issues at hand but I do know that there is one outcome that I would find utterly unacceptable. Once I write about this there is no going back. By putting forth what I have done there is no denying it. I may lose friends over it. Well, I won't lose friends but I have a feeling I may receive a frantic phone call from my brother Joel. Maybe this will be what it takes to actually cause a rift between me and my brothers. I do not want a rift but this is so incredibly huge that...
Well, I'm just going to have to kill the suspense because at the rate I'm going you may think I'm going to prison or something. (If my brother could have his way he would probably lock me up until after November).
Ooh, was that some foreshadowing or what?
Yes, my actions are related to politics.
On this past Saturday, February the 9th, 2008 at 1:00 in the afternoon I caucused. I caucused as a Democrat.
Yes, my Republican readership, I jumped ship if only for a moment. Although I do not have to explain myself to anyone I want to. To my family: do not disown me. Ike, don't turn me into CPS as I'm sure you think I'm unfit to parent if I have any persuasions of a Democrat.
I caucused as a Democrat for Barack Obama because he seems like an agent of change because he is putting forth the word that the agents of change are we the people not the government and he is relatively speaking, new to politics. The other reason I caucused for Obama is because I know a democrat is going to win the election in the Fall and I'll be damned if it is going to be Hilary Clinton. I viewed my actions as much a statement for Barack Obama as a statement against Hilary Clinton.
For those of you who did not caucus I must say you missed out on an incredible event. Everyone I talked to said it was such a great feeling to be so connected to one's community and see the massive turnout. Ryan and I drove to our caucus site only to turn around and drive home and walk back as there was no parking anywhere near the school. People were out in droves walking to the school. From our precinct Barack Obama received 6 of the delegate votes and Hilary Clinton received 1. It sounded like that was the case for the other precincts as well.
I had to bite my tongue as the Democratic Reps talked about the gubernatorial race and how close it was last time and how they didn't want a repeat. If you don't live in Washington are not aware of the race 4 years ago between Governor Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi it came down to 33 or so votes.
Dino Rossi won the first vote. It was close so a recount was ordered. Gregoire's share of votes increased as ballots were discovered as 'lost'. Dino Rossi won the recount. But Gregoire wanted another count. More ballots were miraculously discovered. She won the third and final count. Best one out of three wins, I guess.
It is time for me to turn my attention to a book I have upstairs on vaccinations as Gavin is due for some shots. I want to be well informed before I have him injected with who-knows-what. I'm reading a book recommended to me by my doctor. When I'm done with that book I may turn my attention back to politics so I can read up and become a better informed voter for this Fall.
Congratulations. You have seen the light. Continue to move away from the darkness that is the Republican party.
I can't vote and don't hold either party in high regard but you can rest assured that I would never be part of your Republican readership.
Glad your health is improved.
As an ex-conservative and ex-Republican I find it incredibly easy to empathize with your trepidation. I too know how... different it felt when I wandered off the reservation. I was as purposeful as you appear to have been and wasn't uneasy about my reasoning. It was just unfamiliar territory.
Of course I left the GOP way back in 1990 and I didn't switch to being a Democrat. Instead I registered as an Independent. But I continued to vote for many GOPers afterwards.
I just reregistered as a Democrat for the first time ever. But I intend to change back after the primary election down here in Oregon. And I'm doing this for two reasons: Obama and Jeff Merkley, a candidate for U.S. Senate whom I have come to believe in passionately.
Beyond that I'll just ditto the sentiments that Matt expressed above. There used to be good Republicans, IMHO. But they are few and far between these days.
Thanks for the support, guys.
Clarification: there was only one "winner" of the 2004 gubernatorial race: Gregoire.
Rossi's vote total was greater than Gregoire's after the first and second machine counts (both mandated). The final count, the only one that mattered, was the more accurate, if time consuming, hand count, and it gave Gregoire the final margin of victory of 42 votes.
It was a close election, and unfortunately for Rossi he lost.
Dan & Kevin, I'm curious to know how you came across my blog? Through Swell & Sheepie? Thanks for reading and for the comments!
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