Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pinchable Cheeks

Yeah, I know. CUTE!!! Look at those cheeks! This picture induces the baby munchies. Baby munchies are not about a baby that has the munchies, because that is just wrong - how could you even think that? C'mon. No, baby munchies are what happen when you say, "Ah! You are too cute," then proceed to kiss the daylights out of the baby.
This afternoon I hosted my mommy group so I could attend since I'm still not walking or driving. At each meeting we give our 'highs and lows' for the week. It is not something I prepare in advance and give much thought to so when it is my turn to share I just spit out the first things that pop in my mind. After group I put Gavin down for a nap and was lying there nursing him and thinking to myself, "I didn't tell them the best news. I'll tell them next week that Gavin quit biting me while nursing. This is big news, maybe I could mention it if I have occasion to e-mail the ladies this - CHOMP
No kidding. I was thinking about how Gavin hasn't bitten me in a while when he bit hard. Yowza!
The biting is painful. He was biting me every time he ate. Nursing was become less relaxing as I would tense up a few minutes into a feeding session trying to predict when was a good time to close the bar before Gavin had a chance to do any nibbling. But as painful as the biting is he does something else that is as annoying as the biting is painful.
He snaps my bra. When he lies on his back he will lift his arm up over his head then bring it down sharply and slap his belly. He does it repeatedly and when he's nursing he grabs my bra instead of slapping his belly. He grabs the bra and pulls until it snaps. Then he repeats. And repeats. And repeats.
Can you believe he is 7 months old already? Time flies! There is another baby boy in my group who is only 10 days older than Gavin that has started crawling. That little dude flies, baby lightening! It makes me a little nervous knowing what is in store for us right around the corner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CUTE!!! Thanks for showing us a picture of Gavin :) I like to see how he's changing as he's growing.

Glad you have a mommies group you can attend/host. It must be nice to talk about stuff w/ other moms.

Hope he stops biting for good :)
